Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
All That Is Unholy Is Now Complete
Somehow you knew this would happen.
Wal-Mart weighs role in U.S. H1N1 vaccination plans
"ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc is discussing with U.S. health officials the possibility of putting vaccination sites at some of its stores for an H1N1 swine flu inoculation campaign this fall, a company official said on Thursday.
Federal officials met with Wal-Mart executives on Wednesday in Arkansas to discuss the issue, Dr. John Agwunobi, president of health and wellness for Wal-Mart U.S., told public health leaders at a conference in Orlando.
"We are in discussions with CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and others in local and state departments to see what role we might play," Agwunobi said. "It might be we are a site. It may be help with logistics and with supply chain."
Agwunobi said 140 million people walk through the doors of its 4,000 U.S. stores each week."
WalMart spreads like cancer
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Drugs, Alcohol And Suicide
When our military wakes up to their bad guy role.
And it's far, far worse than is being reported.
Irregular Army: The rise of alcoholism and drug abuse in the US military
Army official: Suicides in January 'terrifying'
Army: Suicide rate among soldiers continues on record pace
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Iran Busts CIA Terror Network
What are the odds of seeing this in american media?
"TEHRAN - The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the detection and dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United States.
In a coordinated operation on May 7, Iranian intelligence agents arrested the terrorist network’s members, who were identified in Fars, Khuzestan, Gilan, West Azerbaijan, and Tehran provinces, the Intelligence Ministry announcement said.
The group’s plans were devised in the U.S., according to the announcement, which added that they had planned to carry out a number of acts such as bombing scientific, educational, and religious centers, shooting people, and making public places in various cities insecure.
One of the terrorists was killed in the operation, but the rest are in detention, the Intelligence Ministry said, adding that the group’s main objective was to create fear among the people.
The United States Central Intelligence Agency comprehensively supported the terrorist group by arming it, training its members, and sponsoring its inhumane activities in Iran, the Intelligence Ministry stated.
The terrorists had maps, films, pictures, and sketches of important and sensitive sites in various cities in their possession when they were arrested. They also had a large number of weapons and ammunition and a great deal of highly explosive chemicals and cyanide.
The blast at a religious center in Shiraz last month was carried out by this group, and it also had plans to carry out similar attacks on the Tehran International Book Fair, the Russian Consulate in Gilan Province, oil pipelines in southern Iran, and other targets, the communiqué stated."
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Hand Held Electrocution Devices Shall Remain Blameless
Judge orders all references to 'Taser' stricken from medical examiner's reports
"A Summit County Common Pleas judge ordered the county medical examiner to delete any reference that Tasers contributed to the deaths of three Ohio men.
All three men were in an 'agitated' state and 'on drugs' when police officers shot them with Tasers, and the judge ordered their deaths be ruled 'accidental' also that any reference to "homicide or "electrical pulse stimulation" should be deleted from death certificates and autopsy reports."
Five sheriff's deputies had been indicted on charges related to the death of one of the men, who also had a history of mental illness. The judge further ordered that man's death be ruled as "undetermined" and to "delete any references to homicide and the death possibly being caused by asphyxia, beatings or other factors."
"No no, it was
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Trying To Connect The Dots
1. The fascists desperately want their world war on for many reasons. The plans to turn the world upside down in order to reshape it have been on the agenda for a long, long time. (Remember Rice's "birth pangs of a new middle east"?) The reason why the fascists have been unconcerned about the US economy is that it will be destroyed and replaced with a new unit of currency called the "amero" within a new political system called the North American Union. Order out of chaos, and all that. The war will be nuclear and engulf the entire globe in a gigantic clash of civilizations with the progenitor being christians vs muslims.
2. To precipitate this obscenity the fascists need to have a defining "event" take place that will generate such revulsion and hatred not only among americans but among christians worldwide, something that they and the disgusting MSM will use to whip up enough righteous indignation and bloodlust that they can then use nuclear weapons on entire nations. This false flag attack will be created by the fascists themselves and blamed on designated patsies. It would probably, but not necessarily, be radiological in nature to further allow retaliation in kind.
3. Just before Easter the CIA released another bogus tape from long dead Bin Laden, having him accuse the pope of leading a new crusade against Islam.
You may see where I'm headed here.
4. A medieval priest called St Malachy who had visions of the future laid out a list of popes from his times in the 1100s until the end of the church, and possibly the world. He described each with some noticeable trait and many have noticed how accurate his list was over the years. The 111th pope, this one, he labeled Gloria olivae, and according to Malachy he was to be the devil incarnate and the last one. If people understood what the present individual stands for I'm sure very few would consider him pious. In some accounts there's a 112th pope who was added by the Olivetan monks because they apparently didn't like being associated with the antichrist.
"However, in the 1820 printed version of Malachy's prophesies, Lignum Vitre (written in 1559 by a Benedictine historian, Arnold Wyon), a 112th pope appears that was not in Malachy's original manuscript. The 112th pope was added by the Olivetan monks. The Order of St. Benedict claims this final pope will come within the Benedictine Order, and that he was placed in the secession line because St. Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world, his Order will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its battle against evil (the Battle of Armageddon)."
All popes assume names. Ratzinger chose Benedict XVI. He may be an amalgam of the 111th and 112th.
5. The pope will lead mass this Sunday at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, starting ostensibly at 2:30 in the afternoon, apparently after giving his blessing to the fascist handiwork at ground zero.
6. Yankee Stadium is scheduled to be demolished at the end of the 2008 season, and appears to be still insured.
7. The fascists are a cult who's origins go very far back in human history. They use contemporary religions as a smokescreen while they observe esoteric rites and practices that might seem arcane to our understanding but are deadly serious to them. One of the high holy periods for them is the middle of April where in the recent past some very ugly and suspicious "events" have transpired - Waco, the V Tech shootings, Oklahoma City, Columbine. From all appearances this is the time of the solar cycle where human sacrifice makes a difference for them somehow.
They also seem to need to do their dirty work coinciding with star alignments. If you use astronomical software to go back to times of huge events at aupicious places such as NY on 9/11, you'll see stars at very specific locations in the sky, again and again. Stars that are important to the cult include Sirius and the belt of Orion, and certain degrees of position mean a great deal too, like 33° and right at the horizon.

Sirius satellite radio will carry the mass
On Sunday Sirius and Orion are above NY but I lack the software right now to see at what position exactly.
8. Murdering the pope possibly along with thousands of others would be the defining moment for the fascists to unleash what they've had planned for a long time. There isn't another figurehead for christianity in the world like him, no one even close. Flames of outrage would be furiously fanned as the MSM would launch into payback mode and this criminal government would do what it does best - it would begin devastating war wherever in the world it deemed necessary to obliterate opposition to it's and Israel's hegemony. Military forces have been manouvered into place for years and preparations have been complete for some time to dismantle Syria and pulverize Iran, to destroy Pakistan and decimate the Horn of Africa. The murdering scum have nothing to fear from the american people because they've spent the years since 9/11 erecting their police state and the camps are well oiled and ready.
They've only been waiting for their big moment.
Apparently I'm not the only one who sees this.

Added - So apparently my assumptions were wrong, and I'm glad that no false flag event was staged. But the fascists WILL have their war, that's a certainty, and it's only a matter of time before something happens that will justify their filthy agenda.