Saturday, January 28, 2006

America Wants a Divorce

(Comment by Dr. Susan Block)

Ya hear that? George, we want a divorce. We the American People - those of us who voted for you and those of us who didn’t, those of us who believed your bald-faced fish stories and those of us who didn’t - want your abusive lying ass, your ignorant monkey face and all your low-life chickenhawk asshole buddies out of our House (the White one) and out of our lives. We’d like to send you to Guantanamo, but we’ll settle for Crawford. We are so over you, we really are.

We are tired of your beatings and neglect. We are sick of your “war fetish,” sending our children off to kill and be killed in your disgusting illegal invasion and occupation of a country that wasn’t even bothering us. We have had it up to here with your mismanagement of our (America’s) finances. We are tired of being humiliated by your obnoxious behavior in our Global Village, where when you act like a boor, we (America) get blamed. We are fed up with your born-again patriarchal, gay-bashing, liberty-smashing ways. We are outraged at your spying on us illegally, like a political Peeping Tom, as though we were all your playthings with no rights and no privacy. We are grossed out by your frat boy lust for torture. We are appalled by your being a Poster Boy for Executive Power Run Amok. We have had enough of your cheating on us (America) by giving all your attention, affection and OUR MONEY to your lover-cronies at Halliburton and Bechtel. We know that men like you tend to *think with your dick,* but YOUR Dick (Cheney) is our nightmare. We are disgusted with your ignoring the basic needs of our poverty-stricken brothers and sisters, our fellow Americans, as you cater to your family (that’s Family Values for you), friends, patrons and cronies. Speaking of family, we are sick of being nice to our mother-in-law-from-hell, Babs the Beastly, and her “beautiful mind” which can’t be burdened with news and pictures of our loved ones that have been killed in her rotten son’s failed war. Most of all, George, we are sick and tired of your lies, lies, constant lies, Big Lies, little lies, smirking lies, shifty-eyed lies, neocon-artist lies, bald-faced lies, lethal lies. You’re lying and spying, while we do the dying, and we’re tired of it! We’re sick of “staying the course.”

This awful marriage has broken our bones, killed too many of us, ruined our reputation, and damaged our future in ways we can’t even imagine. But as the song goes, we will survive! We are the People, after all. And we might be a little slow on the uptake, but at a certain point, we see the light, and that’s it: George, we want a divorce.

Now all we need is a really good attorney…


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