"I Yam The Antichrist" Johnny Rotten
Here's an interesting thing - the official logo of the republican party has an elephant with stars on it that are invariably pointing down.

As opposed to the american flag, which has stars pointing up.

From a Wiccan/Pagan website:
"The Satanic pentagram is a difficult symbol. It is presented upside-down, or inverted, with a single point facing downward. This glyph was a representation of Black magick, symbolizing the triumph of matter and material desires over the spirit. In modern satanic theology, it is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption- where some traditions advocated the sublimation of the ego, Satanism exalts it. The symbol most commonly associated with satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes, often associated with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend, and Pan, the Greek goat God."

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